Digital Mammography: IWDM 2000, 5th International Workshop

Author:  Martin Yaffe
ISBN:  9781930524002
Published:  2001 | 856 pp. | 



Interactions, the newsletter of the COMP  |  January 2002

"This 840-page book is the conference proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Digital Mammography held in Toronto from June 11-14, 2000. Edited by Dr. Martin Yaffe, undoubtedly one of the most qualified experts in the field of digital mammography, the proceedings are divided into six sections: Image Acquisition, Computer-Aided Detection (CAD), Clinical Aspects, Image Processing, Quality Control, and Quantitative Image Analysis, with contributions from around the world.

"The introduction article is written by Dr. Marilyn Schneider, the executive director of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative, who herself is a breast cancer survivor. She has given a good summary on the status of breast cancer in Canada, with some of her own personal experiences. The Image Acquisition section has 17 contributions with a wide variety of topics including evaluation of digital mammorgraphy systems against film/screen mammography, stereoscopic depth measurements, and improvements in mammography using Synchrotron Radiation.

"The Computer Aided Detection (CAD) section, the largest section of the proceedings, contains 47 articles (40% of the total). The magnitude of this section indicates how important the computer aided detection schemes are becoming in mammography. Most of the articles in this section address the automatic detection of micro-calcifications and masses in digital mammograms. Furthermore, there are articles on the developments of digital mammogram databases for evaluating efficacy of CAD systems. Some contributors are also reporting results of their refinements of old CAD algorithms to reduce False Positive predictions.

"The Clinical Aspects section contains 14 articles, beginning with an article summarizing the results of the Ontario Breast Screening Program for the period of 1990-1998. The Image Processing section contains 12 articles, covering enhancement of low contrast structures, identification of skin-air boundary and image compression, to name a few. The Quality Control section contains articles on developing QC methods for digital mammography as well as automatic analysis of quality control images.

"The Quantitative Image Analysis section consists of 18 articles mainly devoted to registration/fusion of mammogrms with breast MRI for surgical planning and postoperative assessments as well as registration of temporal or bilateral mammograms. Modeling of breast tissue deformation, which is a common problem for these algorithms, is also addressed in this section. As a mammography physicist I found the proceedings to be very interesting and useful. I consider this book to be a valuable addition to the library of anyone involved in mammography, especially those who are interested in moving onto a full field digital arena in the future."

Rasika Rajapakshe

Cancer Centre for the Southern Interior

BC Cancer Agency, Kelowna.