85 Results

7th MR in RT Symposium, eBook

7th MR in RT Symposium, eBook

Author:  7th MR in RT Symposium
ISBN:  9781930524149
Published:  August 2019 | 39 | eBook

Price:   $ 15.00

A Century of Radiation and Medical Physics at New York's Memorial Hospital, eBook

A Century of Radiation and Medical Physics at New York's Memorial Hospital, eBook

Author:  Judith Groch, John Laughlin, Jean St. Germain, Clifton Ling
ISBN:  9780944838419
Published:  January 2019 | 146 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

Advances in Medical Physics, Volume 6 (eBook)

Advances in Medical Physics, Volume 6 (eBook)

Author:  Devon J. Godfrey, Jacob Van Dyk, Shiva K. Das, Bruce H. Curran, and Anthony B. Wolbarst
ISBN:  9781930524910
Published:  2016 July | 323 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 90.00

Advances in Medical Physics: 2006

Advances in Medical Physics: 2006

Author:  Anthony B. Wolbarst, Robert G. Zamenhof, and William R. Hendee
ISBN:  9781930524798
Published:  2006 | 376 pp.  | eBook

Price:   $ 80.00

Advances in Medical Physics: 2008

Advances in Medical Physics: 2008

Author:  Anthony B. Wolbarst, Kenneth L. Mossman, and William R. Hendee
ISBN:  9781930524781
Published:  2008 | 368 pp.  | eBook

Price:   $ 94.00

Advances in Medical Physics: 2010

Advances in Medical Physics: 2010

Author:  Anthony B. Wolbarst, Andrew Karellas, Elizabeth A. Krupinski, and William R. Hendee, Editors
ISBN:  9781930524774
Published:  2010 July | 380 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 110.00

Advances in Medical Physics: 2012

Advances in Medical Physics: 2012

Author:  Anthony B. Wolbarst, Patrizio Capasso, Devon J. Godfrey, Ronald R. Price, Bruce R. Whiting, William R. Hendee, Editors
ISBN:  9781930524767
Published:  2012 June | ISSN: 2156-2008 | 330 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 115.00

Advances in Medical Physics: 2014

Advances in Medical Physics: 2014

Author:  Devon J. Godfrey, Shiva K. Das and Anthony B. Wolbarst, Editors
ISBN:  9781930524729
Published:  2014 July | 289 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 95.00

Advances in Medical Physics: Library Set of 4, eBook bundle

Advances in Medical Physics: Library Set of 4, eBook bundle

Author:  Anthony B. Wolbarst, William R. Hendee, et al.
ISBN:  amp12ebook_special
Published:  2006-2012 | set | eBook

Price:   $ 250.00

Applications of Statistics to Medicine and Medical Physics

Applications of Statistics to Medicine and Medical Physics

Author:  Edward L. Nickoloff
ISBN:  9781930524712
Published:  2011 | 284 pp. | eBook

Price:   $ 80.00

Applied Physics for Radiation Oncology, Revised Edition, eBook

Applied Physics for Radiation Oncology, Revised Edition, eBook

Author:  Robert Stanton and Donna Stinson
ISBN:  9781930524620
Published:  2009 | 292 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 105.00

#31 Brachytherapy Physics, Second Edition, eBook

#31 Brachytherapy Physics, Second Edition, eBook

Author:  Bruce Thomadsen, Mark Rivard and Wayne Butler, eds.
ISBN:  9781936366354
Published:  2005 | 982 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 70.00

The CT Handbook: Optimizing Protocols for Today's Feature-Rich Scanners

The CT Handbook: Optimizing Protocols for Today's Feature-Rich Scanners

Author:  Timothy P. Szczykutowicz
ISBN:  9780944838570
Published:  May 2020 | 580 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 165.00

#38 Clinical Brachytherapy Physics, AAPM Monograph, 2017 Summer School

#38 Clinical Brachytherapy Physics, AAPM Monograph, 2017 Summer School

Author:  Mark J. Rivard, Luc Beaulieu, and Bruce Thomadsen, Editors
ISBN:  9781936366583
Published:  June 2017 | 372 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 110.00

#34 Clinical Dosimetry Measurements in Radiotherapy (2009 AAPM Summer School)

#34 Clinical Dosimetry Measurements in Radiotherapy (2009 AAPM Summer School)

Author:  D.W.O. Rogers and Joanna E. Cygler, Editors
ISBN:  9781936366521
Published:  2009 | 1112  | eBook

Price:   $ 145.00

Clinical Fundamentals for Radiation Oncologists

Clinical Fundamentals for Radiation Oncologists

Author:  Hasan Murshed, MD
ISBN:  9781930524705
Published:  2011 | 680 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 70.00

#39 Image Guidance in Radiation Therapy: Techniques, Accuracy, and Limitations, 2018 Summer School, eBook

#39 Image Guidance in Radiation Therapy: Techniques, Accuracy, and Limitations, 2018 Summer School, eBook

Author:  Parham Alaei, George Ding
ISBN:  9781936366637
Published:  July 2018 | 406 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 120.00

#32 Integrating New Technologies into the Clinic: Monte Carlo and Image-Guided Radiation Therapy, AAPM Monograph

#32 Integrating New Technologies into the Clinic: Monte Carlo and Image-Guided Radiation Therapy, AAPM Monograph

Author:  Bruce H. Curran, James M. Balter, and Indrin J. Chetty, Program Directors
ISBN:  9781936366507
Published:  2006 | 736 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 95.00

An Introduction to MRI for Medical Physicists and Engineers

An Introduction to MRI for Medical Physicists and Engineers

Author:  Anthony Wolbarst and Nathan Yanasak
ISBN:  9781930524583
Published:  June 2019 | 318 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 120.00

Lectures on Radiation Dosimetry Physics: A Deeper Look into the Foundations of Clinical Protocols (eBook)

Lectures on Radiation Dosimetry Physics: A Deeper Look into the Foundations of Clinical Protocols (eBook)

Author:  Michael W. Kissick and Sharareh Fakhraei
ISBN:  9781930524934
Published:  November 2016 | 156 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 50.00

Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles, Methods, and Techniques, eBook

Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles, Methods, and Techniques, eBook

Author:  Perry Sprawls
ISBN:  9781951134044
Published:  2000 | 200 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 45.00

Medical Dosimetry Certification Study Guide

Medical Dosimetry Certification Study Guide

Author:  Govinda Rajan, K.N.
ISBN:  9781930524835
Published:  2004 March | 240 pp | eBook


Medical Dosimetry Certification Study Guide, Second Edition

Medical Dosimetry Certification Study Guide, Second Edition

Author:  K.N. Govinda Rajan, Ph.D.
ISBN:  9781930524811
Published:  October 2015 | 473 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 90.00

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology 3 Volume Set, eBook Bundle

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology 3 Volume Set, eBook Bundle

Author:  Jacob Van Dyk, Editor
ISBN:  VanDykSpecial_ebook
Published:  1999,2005,2013 | set | eBook

Price:   $ 335.95

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 1, eBook

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 1, eBook

Author:  Jacob Van Dyk
ISBN:  9781930524897
Published:  1999 | 1072 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 150.00

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 2

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 2

Author:  Jacob Van Dyk, editor
ISBN:  9781930524682
Published:  2005 | 514 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 125.00

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 3

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 3

Author:  Jacob Van Dyk, Editor
ISBN:  9781930524668
Published:  2013 September  | 604 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 150.00

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 4, eBook

The Modern Technology of Radiation Oncology, Vol 4, eBook

Author:  Jacob Van Dyk, Editor
ISBN:  9781951134037
Published:  2020 September |  | eBook

Price:   $ 175.00

Optimum Overall Treatment Time in Radiation Oncology

Optimum Overall Treatment Time in Radiation Oncology

Author:  Jack Fowler with Alexandru Dasu and Iuliana Toma-Dasu
ISBN:  9781930524743
Published:  January 2015 | 93 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 40.00

The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy, 2nd Edition, eBook

The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy, 2nd Edition, eBook

Author:  Patrick N. McDermott and Colin G.Orton
ISBN:  9781930524996
Published:  November 2018 | 870 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 165.00

The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy

The Physics & Technology of Radiation Therapy

Author:  Patrick McDermott and Colin Orton
ISBN:  9781930524613
Published:  2010 | 856 pp | eBook


#33 The Physics and Applications of PET/CT Imaging (AAPM 2008 Summer School)

#33 The Physics and Applications of PET/CT Imaging (AAPM 2008 Summer School)

Author:  Dianna Cody and Osama Mawlawi, Program Directors
ISBN:  9781936366514
Published:  2008 | 288 pp.  | eBook

Price:   $ 90.00

Physics of Radiology, Second Edition

Physics of Radiology, Second Edition

Author:  Anthony B. Wolbarst
ISBN:  9781930524651
Published:  2005 | 660 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 110.00

The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays and Electrons, 3rd Edition, eBook

The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays and Electrons, 3rd Edition, eBook

Author:  Peter Metcalfe, Tomas Kron, Peter Hoban, Dean Cutajar, Nicholas Hardcastle
ISBN:  9781951134112
Published:  March 2023 | 704 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 185.00

The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays and Electrons

The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays and Electrons

Author:  Peter Metcalfe, Tomas Kron and Peter Hoban
ISBN:  9781930524699
Published:  2007 | 916 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 120.00

Physics of the Body, Revised Second Edition (eBook)

Physics of the Body, Revised Second Edition (eBook)

Author:  John R. Cameron, James G. Skofronick, Roderick M. Grant
ISBN:  9781930524958
Published:  September 2017 | 348 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 75.00

#25 Practical Digital Imaging and PACS

#25 Practical Digital Imaging and PACS

Author:  Anthony Seibert et al
ISBN:  9781936366330
Published:  1999 | 577 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 85.00

A Practical Guide to Inversely Optimized Treatment Planning, eBook

A Practical Guide to Inversely Optimized Treatment Planning, eBook

Author:  E. Ishmael Parsai and Ana I. Bejarano B.
ISBN:  9781951134211
Published:  March 2024 | 308 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 110.00

Practical Implementation of Light Ion Beam Treatments

Practical Implementation of Light Ion Beam Treatments

Author:  Michael Farley Moyers and Stanislav M. Vatnitsky
ISBN:  9781930524644
Published:  2013 March  | 576 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 175.00

A Primer on Theory and Operation of Linear Accelerators in Radiation Therapy, 3rd edition.  eBook

A Primer on Theory and Operation of Linear Accelerators in Radiation Therapy, 3rd edition. eBook

Author:  C. J. Karzmark and Robert J. Morton (Edited by James Lamb)
ISBN:  9781930524972
Published:  January 2018 | 36 pp | ebook

Price:   $ 40.00

#37 Principles and Practice of Proton Beam Therapy, AAPM Monograph, 2015 Summer School

#37 Principles and Practice of Proton Beam Therapy, AAPM Monograph, 2015 Summer School

Author:  Indra J. Das and Harald Paganetti
ISBN:  9781936366446
Published:  June 2015 | 828 pp. | eBook

Price:   $ 145.00

Public Protection From Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Terrorism, eBook

Public Protection From Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Terrorism, eBook

Author:  Allen Brodsky, Raymond H. Johnson, and Ronald E. Goans, editors (Health Physics Society)
ISBN:  9781930524842
Published:  2004 July | 872 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 65.00

#36 Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy: Learning the New Approaches in Task Group 100 and Beyond

#36 Quality and Safety in Radiotherapy: Learning the New Approaches in Task Group 100 and Beyond

Author:  Bruce R. Thomadsen, Peter Dunscombe, Eric Ford, Saiful Huq, Todd Pawlicki, Steven Sutlief, editors
ISBN:  9781936366347
Published:  2013 June | 388 pp.  | eBook

Price:   $ 110.00

RAPHEX 2024 Diagnostic Collection: Years 2020-2023 with Index, eBook

RAPHEX 2024 Diagnostic Collection: Years 2020-2023 with Index, eBook

Author:  RAMPS
ISBN:  608275728607
Published:  2024 January | Approx. 400 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 115.00

RAPHEX 2024 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2024 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  9781951134273
Published:  2024 May | 60 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 40.00

RAPHEX 2024 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2024 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  9781951134259
Published:  April 2024 |  | eBook

Price:   $ 30.00

RAPHEX 2024 Therapy Collection: Years 2020-2023 with Index, eBook

RAPHEX 2024 Therapy Collection: Years 2020-2023 with Index, eBook

Author:  RAMPS
ISBN:  608275728614
Published:  2024 January | approx 400 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 85.00

RAPHEX 2023 Therapy Exam and Answers,eBook

RAPHEX 2023 Therapy Exam and Answers,eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  9781951134198
Published:  April 2023 |  | eBook

Price:   $ 30.00

RAPHEX 2022 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2022 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  9781951134136
Published:  2022 May | 60 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 40.00

RAPHEX 2022 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2022 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  9781951134099
Published:  2022 April |  | eBook

Price:   $ 30.00

RAPHEX 2021 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2021 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  9781951134068
Published:  2021 May | 60 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 35.00

RAPHEX 2021 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2021 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  9781951134082
Published:  2021 April |  | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2023 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2023 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  9781951134174
Published:  2023 May | 60 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 40.00

RAPHEX 2020 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2020 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  697478459470
Published:  2020 May | 60 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 35.00

RAPHEX 2020 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2020 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  697478459487
Published:  2020 April | 56 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2019 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2019 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  612520767587
Published:  2019 May | 56 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 35.00

RAPHEX 2019 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2019 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  612520767570
Published:  2019 April | 56 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2018 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2018 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  612520767624
Published:  2018 April | 63 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 35.00

RAPHEX 2018 Therapy Exam and Answers,  eBook

RAPHEX 2018 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  612520767617
Published:  2018 April | 44 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2017 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2017 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  612520767662
Published:  2017 May | 61 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2017 Therapy Exam and Answers,  eBook

RAPHEX 2017 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  612520767655
Published:  2017 May | 42 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2016 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2016 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  736902482261
Published:  2016 April |  | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2016 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2016 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  736902482278
Published:  2016 April |  | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2015 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2015 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  753807176880
Published:  2015 April | 57 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2015 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2015 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  753807176941
Published:  2015 April | 43 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2014 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2014 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  753807176897
Published:  2014 April | 40 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2014 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2014 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York
ISBN:  753807176910
Published:  2014 May | 40 pages | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2013 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2013 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS
ISBN:  731236348887
Published:  2013 July | 49 Pages  | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2013 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2013 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS
ISBN:  731236348894
Published:  2013 May | 38 Pages  | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2012 Diagnostic Exam And Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2012 Diagnostic Exam And Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS
ISBN:  731236348818
Published:  2012 | approx. 100 | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2012 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2012 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS
ISBN:  731236348801
Published:  2012 | approx. 100 | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2011 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2011 Diagnostic Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS
ISBN:  753807176965
Published:  2011 | approx. 100 | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RAPHEX 2011 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

RAPHEX 2011 Therapy Exam and Answers, eBook

Author:  RAMPS
ISBN:  753807176958
Published:  2011 | approx. 100 | eBook

Price:   $ 25.00

RT X-Ray Physics Review

RT X-Ray Physics Review

Author:  Walter Huda and Kerry Greene-Donnelly, Authors
ISBN:  9781930524750
Published:  2011 | 460 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 65.00

Radiation Risk Communication: Issues and Solutions (HPS 2010), eBook

Radiation Risk Communication: Issues and Solutions (HPS 2010), eBook

Author:  Raymond H. Johnson, Editor
ISBN:  9781930524859
Published:  2010 | 282 pp  | eBook

Price:   $ 55.00

#40 Radiopharmaceutical Therapy and Dosimetry, eBook

#40 Radiopharmaceutical Therapy and Dosimetry, eBook

Author:  Editors: Robert F. Hobbs, Joe O' Donoghue, and Jessica Clements
ISBN:  9781951134235
Published:  June 2023 | 436 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 130.00

Review of Radiation Oncology Physics, eBook

Review of Radiation Oncology Physics, eBook

Author:  Satish C. Prasad
ISBN:  9781930524866
Published:  2002 (updated 2006) | 95 pp. | eBook

Price:   $ 35.00

Shielding Techniques for Radiation Oncology Facilities, 3rd Edition, eBook

Shielding Techniques for Radiation Oncology Facilities, 3rd Edition, eBook

Author:  Melissa Martin and Patton H. McGinley
ISBN:  9781951134013
Published:  July 2020 | 170 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 100.00

Shielding Techniques for Radiation Oncology Facilities, Second Edition

Shielding Techniques for Radiation Oncology Facilities, Second Edition

Author:  Patton H. McGinley
ISBN:  9781930524675
Published:  2002 | 184 pp | eBook


Study Guide for Radiation Oncology Physics Board Exams, eBook

Study Guide for Radiation Oncology Physics Board Exams, eBook

Author:  Brian Berman
ISBN:  9781951134167
Published:  2000 | 112 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 35.00

Therapy Physics Review, eBook

Therapy Physics Review, eBook

Author:  Bhudatt Paliwal
ISBN:  9781930524880
Published:  1996 | 65 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 35.00

Topics in Accelerator Health Physics, eBook

Topics in Accelerator Health Physics, eBook

Author:  J. Donald Cossairt
ISBN:  9781930524873
Published:  2008 | 309 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 50.00

#35 Uncertainties in External Beam Radiation Therapy (AAPM 2011 Summer School)

#35 Uncertainties in External Beam Radiation Therapy (AAPM 2011 Summer School)

Author:  Jatinder R. Palta, T. Rock Mackie, Editors
ISBN:  9781936366538
Published:  2011 | 648 pp.  | eBook

Price:   $ 125.00

Workflow Optimization in Radiation Oncology: From Theory to Clinical Implementation, AAPM Monograph No. 41, eBook

Workflow Optimization in Radiation Oncology: From Theory to Clinical Implementation, AAPM Monograph No. 41, eBook

Author:  Editors: Colleen J. Fox and Reshma Munbodh
ISBN:  9781951134310
Published:  June 2024 | 288 | eBook

Price:   $ 130.00

Physics of the Body, 2nd Edition

Physics of the Body, 2nd Edition

Author:  John Cameron et al.
ISBN:  9781930524828
Published:  1999 | 394 pp | eBook