Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles, Methods, and Techniques, eBook
Author: Perry SprawlsISBN: 9781951134044
Published: 2000 | 200 pp | eBook
Price: $ 45.00

Sample Chapter [pdf format]
This classic text has been put back in circulation is now available in an eBook format.
Designed to meet the needs of all who play a role in the MR imaging process, this book first develops the very important concepts of the physical principles on which MR imaging is based and then builds an understanding of the various methods and techniques that are at the heart of each imaging procedure. It gives special emphasis to image quality and the associated issues of optimizing protocols. Safety concerns are addressed in order to have an informed staff who can take a realistic approach to reducing risk and increasing patient comfort and acceptance. People who know how to apply various imaging options to the wide range of clinical needs will continue to be a vital link in the total MR imaging process: the objective of this book is to help them obtain maximum performance and benefit from the sophisticated MR technology that is available today.Index: Illustrated with 119 figures