#25 Practical Digital Imaging and PACS
Author: Anthony Seibert et alISBN: 9781936366330
Published: 1999 | 577 pp | eBook
Price: $ 85.00

This book emphasizes the new advances in imaging technology, covering all of the inherently digital imaging modalities such as computed radiography, CT, MRI, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine. Digital Image Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standards provide the path to integration of an electronic network and PACS comprised of digital imaging modalities, image workstations, and image archive. Knowledge of these standards is essential to ensure a successful PACS implementation, for which the medical physicist takes a primary responsibility. Therefore, the focus of this book is to provide the medical physicist and other interested individuals with tools and information to become conversant with the details of DICOM, and to enable the verification of optimal image acquisition, display, archiving, and quality control of PACS in the clinical environment.
This book is also available in softcover, ISBN #9780944838921