Study Guide for Radiation Oncology Physics Board Exams, eBook

Study Guide for Radiation Oncology Physics Board Exams, eBook

Author:  Brian Berman
ISBN:  9781951134167
Published:  2000 | 112 pp | eBook

Price:   $ 28.00      List Price 35.00



This study guide helps radiation oncology physics board exam candidates prepare for their written exams. It covers both general physics and therapeutic radiological physics. Unlike some other test preparation guides, this book does not present “questions” and “answers.” Instead, you’ll find key medical physics concepts and formulas that will apply to the whole range of board exam questions. By focusing on the basic principles of the medical physics field, it deepens your understanding of the subjects covered, thereby improving your board exam scores. In effect, these are your entire program’s class notes boiled down to the basics.