Applications of Statistics to Medicine and Medical Physics
Author: Edward L. NickoloffISBN: 9781930524712
Published: 2011 | 284 pp. | eBook
Price: $ 80.00

Sample Chapter [pdf format]This book was written with two specific goals in mind. The first is as a resource for graduate students who are pursuing an advanced degree in medical physics who are also required to take a course in statistics. This text includes many practical medical physics problems which would be ideal for this course. Although there are a number of statistics books available, there are no books which present statistics in a context that has applications important to medical physics and medicine. Most medical physicists are familiar with the very basics of statistical analysis like mean and standard deviation: however their ability to analyze data and design statistically valid experiments may be limited. The second goal, therefore, is for the book to serve as a key resource on statistical analysis for senior medical physicists or clinical researchers.
The book includes 11 chapters, beginning with very basic topics like Binomial, Poisson, and Normal probability distributions and gradually progressing to more advanced topics.
This book will be a valuable addition to any library due to the wide range of statistical topics and the many practical applications that are provided throughout the text. Medical physics graduate students would benefit from a book which addresses practical clinical topics while learning statistics rather than abstract statistical analysis that is the approach of many other statistics books.
This book is also available in hardcover, ISBN #9781930524514