Shielding Techniques for Radiation Oncology Facilities, 3rd Edition, eBook
Author: Melissa Martin and Patton H. McGinleyISBN: 9781951134013
Published: July 2020 | 170 pp | eBook
Price: $ 100.00

Sample Chapter 2 [pdf format]Shielding Techniques has been a classic for many years. Now Melissa Martin joins Patton McGinley for the book's third edition, which brings NCRP 151 methodology into the shielding calculations, making this a stand-alone guide for clinical medical physicists.
The book is also finding a home in classrooms due to its many shielding calculation exercises.
From Anees Dhabaan in Medical Physics…
"Together with the detailed text for the shielding topics, these examples craft this book to be a suitable textbook on shielding for students and clinical medical physicists. When teaching shielding to medical physics residents and graduate students, I have incorporated this book in our institution as the main textbook. From this experience, I would strongly recommend this text to general medical physicists, medical physics residents, and graduate students. This comprehensive textbook is, in my opinion, the only one in the field of medical physics to provide thoroughly detailed shielding design solutions for photon therapy rooms as of yet."
About the authors:
Patton McGinley retired from Emory Clinic in 2000, but he continues to produce shielding evaluations as a private consultant.
AAPM Past-President Melissa Martin has represented ANSI since 2012 on the sub-committee that prepared ISO Standard Number 16645 (2016), which addresses shielding for medical electron accelerators. She founded the consulting firm Therapy Physics, Inc., which has provided shielding design reports for over 500 radiation oncology treatment rooms around the world.d.
This book is also available in print, ISBN: 9781951134006