Workflow Optimization in Radiation Oncology: From Theory to Clinical Implementation, AAPM Monograph No. 41
Author: Editors: Colleen J. Fox and Reshma MunbodhISBN: 9781951134303
Published: June 2024 | 288 | Hardcover
Price: $ 130.00

Technological advances in radiation oncology that promise improvements in workflow efficiency are frequently adopted in response to pressure to do things faster and to get more done with fewer resources. The results of such improvements hinge not only on the technology but on how they are integrated into the overall clinical system as a whole. Throughout history, other industries have developed theories related to production optimization, and we can learn from their experiences.
Workflow Optimization in Radiation Oncology: From Theory to Clinical Implementation applies these lessons to radiation oncology workflows and explores meaningful avenues to integrate technology into daily operations. Readers will be exposed to the basics of operations theory, as well as project, change, and resource management. They will also learn from radiation oncology experts about techniques for modeling and monitoring workflows as well as implementation strategies for hot topic tools such as auto-contouring, automated planning, and scripting.
The primary audience for this book is therapy medical physicists but radiation oncologists, dosimetrists, therapists, trainees, and managers/directors of radiation oncology departments as well as developers in the healthcare automation space will also find it useful.
This topic is also the theme of the 2024 AAPM summer school at Dartmouth College.
This book is also available as an eBook, ISBN #9781951134310