My Life with Radiation

Author:  Ralph Lapp
ISBN:  9780944838525      ISBN10:  0944838529
Published:  1995 | 168 pp | 



Medical Physics  |  March 1996

"...the general public is most often exposed to emotional, extreme views about radiation, and individuals lacking advanced training in medical physics often wind up confused, or worse, grossly misinformed. The good news is that Ralph Lapp has come along with an engaging, easily readable, scientific voyage through the minefields of the early nuclear age...The story begins in 1942, when the author, a graduate student at the University of Chicago, literally fell into the Manhattan Atomic Bomb Project. His subsequent concern about military secrecy prompted him to inform the public of the dangers of radioactive fallout through lectures, books and articles. His encounters with misguided, self-proclaimed experts reveal how easily a little knowledge of a subject can be distorted by emotion and careless reasoning....a wonderful combination of scientific analysis and the author's personal reflections."

Medical Physics. March 1996