Applications of New Technology: External Dosimetry (hardcover)

Author:  Jack F. Higginbotham
ISBN:  9780944838686      ISBN10:  0944838685
Published:  1996 | 464 pp | Hardcover



Health Physics  |  December 1996

Health Physics, December 1996

"This volume is an important and interesting one in that it provides detailed technical papers covering up-to-date treatment of external dosimetry topics. Both the fundamental science of external radiation dosimetry and currently available technologies are covered.

"The style and content of chapters ranges from theoretical to practical, reflecting the different orientation and experience of each author. This is one of the advantages of the volume. With careful review, a reader can obtain a fundamental, practical or regulatory focus on a given issue. Each chapter is referenced, some more completely than others. As a text or as a reference for the practicing health physicist, this volume is an excellent compilation of material related to the principles and practices of external radiation dosimetry."

Michael T. Ryan
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