A Practical Guide to Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy

Author:  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (Ling)
ISBN:  9781930524132      ISBN10:  1930524137
Published:  2003 | 450 pp. | Hardcover

Price:   $ 62.95      was 125.00


Cancer Forum  |  November 2003

"This textbook is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). The initial chapters deal with medical physics aspects after an initial chapter on imaging, including image fusion and an overview of the IMRT process. During the chapters on optimisation, delivery, computer algorithms and treatment planning, there is significant detail that is beyond the need for a clinician but would provide a very useful departmental primer. In the second half of the book there are clinical chapters in the areas of IMRT for prostate cancer, head and neck cancer, paediatric, breast and non-small cell lung cancers. In pouring through the first 190 pages, I was waiting for information that would help me to make a decision regarding the clinical applicability of IMRT and the process involved from seeing a patient to delivery of an optimised plan. It is in these later chapters that this is dealt with very well.

"There is an excellent reference chapter on normal tissue complication probability (NTCP) and tumour control probability (TCP). The book closes with two chapters on advanced treatments addressing areas of future development, including the integration of respiratory gating and stereotactic immobilisation with IMRT.

"The staff of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre's Department of Medical Physics wrote this book. This emphasises that although the book is a valuable departmental resource, it would only suit individual radiation oncologists and registrars wishing to extend their current knowledge.

"I would thoroughly recommend departments purchase a copy for their library. Clinicians, however, should take caution over the first 190 pages if seeking relaxing reading prior to bedtime."

-M. Penniment
Dept. of Radiation Oncology
Royal Adelaide Hospital
Adelaide, SA