Applied Physics for Radiation Oncology
Author: Robert Stanton & Donna StinsonISBN: 9780944838600 ISBN10: 094483860X
Published: 1996 | 375 pp |

An updated successor to the textbook: An Introduction to Radiation Oncology Physics!Intended for both radiation therapists and students of radiation therapy, the book opens with a description of the basic concepts of matter and energy, the production of x-rays and the different ways x-rays and gamma rays interact with tissue. From there, individual chapters cover treatment planning, photon and electron dosimetry, brachytherapy, methods of dose calculation, isodose curves, beam-modifying devices, patient and beam geometry and radiation protection. Several chapters are devoted to the clinical use and operation of linear accelerators.
Each chapter includes problems with answers which will be especially helpful in teaching radiation therapy students. In addition to a thorough glossary, there's an appendix with a list of signs and symbols, dosimetry tables, and a list of radionuclides used in therapy along with their decay schemes.
The authors--both teachers at the School of Radiation Therapy Technology
at Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center--unify the principles of radiation
therapy physics with the real world of clinical practice. This clearly written,
well-illustrated book is a must for radiation therapists.