#29 Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy: The State of the Art  (AAPM 2003 Summer School) (CD-ROM Version)

#29 Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy: The State of the Art (AAPM 2003 Summer School) (CD-ROM Version)  Price Reduced!

Author:  Jatinder R. Palta and T. Rockwell Mackie, editors
ISBN:  9781930524170
Published:  2003 |  | CD-ROM

Price:   $ 24.95      List Price 50.00



Sample Chapter [pdf format]

IMRT represents a paradigm in the radiation therapy process that requires knowledge of multimodality imaging, setup uncertainties, internal organ motion, tumor control probabilities, normal tissue complication probabilities, three-dimensional dose calculation, dose optimization, and dynamic beam delivery of non-uniform beam intensities. These concepts were all addressed at the AAPM’s 2003 summer school by contributors who are among the foremost authorities in the field. The result was a “handbook” that continues to aid both experienced radiation oncology physicists and newcomers to the field in understanding the nuances of IMRT and its safe implementation in the clinics. This book’s level of presentation is designed for practicing medical physicists who are not necessarily specialists in IMRT. Some issues--such as imaging and target delineation, quality assurance and its frequency, and achievable accuracy--are discussed in multiple chapters and from differing points of view, reflecting the diversity of opinions in this rapidly evolving field.