Optimum Overall Treatment Time in Radiation Oncology
Author: Jack Fowler with Alexandru Dasu and Iuliana Toma-DasuISBN: 9781930524736
Published: January 2015 | 93 pp | Softcover
Price: $ 40.00

John "Jack" Fowler was a prolific biology researcher and teacher who wrote 581 papers over 65 plus years. He received nearly every honor the medical physics field can bestow, and near the end of his life, Jack undertook this book. In it he describes his and others’ efforts at defining the linear quadratic model. Jack's book sums up the key concepts relating to optimum fractionation in radiation therapy that have interested him all these years. Just under 100 pages in length, this book is a quick, informative, and enjoyable read.This book is also available as an eBook, ISBN #9781930524743