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Shielding Measurements for a 230 MeV Proton Beam
J. Siebers
1990 | 163 pp |
Price: $ 50.00
Chapter of the Month
Workflow Optimization in Radiation Oncology
Chapter 1
Operations Management Theory & Application
Application of pharmacokinetic models to projection data in positron emission tomography
Ralph Paul Maguire
| $50.00
Clinical Investigation of the Dopaminergic System with PET and
Terrence Rayford Oakes
| $50.00
Clinical Photon Beam Treatment Planning Using Convolution and Superposition
N. Papanikolaou
| $50.00
Commuted Ion Chambers for Measurement of Field Uniformity
M. Siedband
| $50.00
Coronary Blood Flow Measurement Using Digital Subtraction Angiography and First Pass Distribution Analysis
N. Hangiandreou
| $50.00
Defect Clustering in LiF TLD-700
X. Yuan
| $50.00
Defect Clustering in LiF TLD-700
X. Yuan
| $50.00
Determination and Use of Radiobiological Response Parameters in Radiation Therapy Optimization
Panayiotis Mavroidis
| $50.00
Determination of the Spatial Autocorrelation Function of Ultrasonic5 Scatterers Using the Frequency Dependence of Backscattering
M. MacDonald
| $50.00
Development and Evaluation of Acquisition and Reprojection Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Angiography
F. Korosec
| $50.00
Development and Initial Characterization of a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Dosimetry System
D. Thomassen
| $50.00
The Dynamics of Neural Systems
Jun Chen
| $50.00
Effect of Blood Shear Forces on Platelet Mediated Thrombosis Inside Arterial Stenosis
N. Maalej
| $50.00
Effects of Calibration Spectra on Mammographic Exposure Measurement
J. Coletti
| $50.00
Electron Energy and Angular Distribution in Radiotherapy
J. Deasy
| $50.00
Electronic Scanning-Slit Fluorography
D. Plenkovich
| $50.00
Evaluation of 14(R,S)-[Fluoro-6-Thia-Heptadecanoic Acid (FTHA) as a Positron Emission Tomography Fatty Acid Tracer of Beta Oxidation in the Heart
R. Pooley
| $50.00
Fricke Radiation Dosimetry Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (M.S. Thesis)
M. Podgorsak
| $50.00
Imaging Characteristics of X-ray Capillary Optics for Application to Digital Mammography
D. Kruger
| $50.00
In-vivo Receptor Pharmacology Studies with -Adrenergic Receptors in Isolated Perfused Rat Heart
D. Raffel
| $50.00
Investigation of Applications of X-ray Fluorescence to Scanning of Tissue Concentrations of Iodine and Cadmium
K. Cranley
| $50.00
An Investigation of Partially Extracted Tracers Used to Determine Myocardial Blood Flow with PET
B. Christian
| $50.00
Investigation of the Cerebral Pharmacokinetics of the F-18 Labeled Anesthetics Isoflurane and Halothane Utilizing PET
M. Satter
| $50.00
Investigations on the Application of a Microton Accelerator for Radiation Therapy
A. Brahme
| $50.00
Kinetics and Metabolism of [18F]-Labeled L-DOPA Analog PET Tracers
C. Endres
| $50.00
The Kinetics of Copper Pyruvaldeyde Bis(N-Methylthiosemiccarbazone): A Blood Flow Tracer for Positron Emission Tomography
C. Martin
| $50.00
Localized Two-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy on a Whole-body Scanner
L. Ryner
| $50.00
Measurement of Myocardial Utilization of Long Chain Fatty Acids Using w-Labeled Radioanalogs
T. DeGrado
| $50.00
Measurement of Neutron Kerma Factors at 18, 23, and 25 MeV
C. Hartmann
| $50.00
Measuring the Fluence of Clinical Electron Beams
M. Zaini
| $50.00
Neutron Kerma Factor Measurements in the 25 MeV to 85 MeV Neutron Energy Range
W. Newhauser
| $50.00
The Noninvasive Measurement of X-ray Tube Potential
F. Ranallo
| $50.00
Quantitative Methods for the Anatomic and Functional Assessment of a Coronary Stenosis
D. Weber
| $50.00
Radiation Parameters of High Dose Rate Iridium-192 Sources
M. Podgorsak
| $50.00
Radiolabelled Antibody Imaging
A. Perkins
| $50.00
Shielding Measurements for a 230 MeV Proton Beam
J. Siebers
| $50.00
A Single-exposure Dual-energy Computed Radiography Technique for Improved Nodule Detection and Classification in Chest Imaging
F. Zink
| $50.00
Statistical Parameter Estimation in Ultrasound Backscattering from Tissue Mimicking Media
Jian Chen
| $50.00
The Study of Dual-energy Computed Tomography as a Technique for Measuring Bone Mineral Density
J. Vetter
| $50.00
The Thermoluminescent Response of Several Phosphors to Monoenergetic Photon Beams with Energies from 275 to 2,550 eV
R. Carillo-Beltran
| $50.00
Tomotherapy del for the Physical Optimization of External Beam Radiotherapy: 1993, 247 pp.,
T. Holmes
| $50.00
Two-pulse Sequences for NMR Imaging
K. Gjesdal
| $50.00
The Use of Tissue-air Ratio with High-energy Photon Fields
B. Thomadsen
| $50.00
Water-equivalent Plastic Scintillation Detectors for High-energy Photon and Electron Beams
A. Beddar
| $50.00