RAPHEX 2019 Therapy Exam and Answers
Author: RAMPS, Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New YorkISBN: ramp19ther
Published: 2019 April | 56 pages | Softcover
Price: $ 25.00

Published in cooperation with the Radiological and Medical Physics Society of New York (RAMPS), the Diagnostic and Therapy Exams have approximately 140 questions each. General questions are incorporated into each version. A separate answer booklet for each examination is included which provides explanations for the correct answer. These booklets are a useful advance study guide or practice test for the 2019 ABR Core Exams.
The Raphex 2019 Therapy Exam includes topics in IMRT, VMAT, IGRT, SBRT, plus other technologies. Traditional topics in previous exams are still covered. The exam matches ASTRO’s current physics curriculum guidelines for resident instruction.
This book is also available as an eBook, ISBN #612520767570.