Physics of Radiology, Second Edition

Author:  Anthony B. Wolbarst
ISBN:  9781930524224      ISBN10:  1930524226
Published:  2005 | 660 pp. | Hardcover

Price:   $ 110.00


Medical Physics  |  January 2007

In this 2nd Edition of his Physics of Radiology Wolbarst has reorganized the presentation and added content to make a very functional textbook. Following the Introduction and basic physics review he provides a short overview of each modality that gives the reader a simple understanding of each imaging method without requiring much knowledge of the underlying Physics. By adding this Section it ensures the reader has a layman’s understanding of all imaging methods and allows later discussion to use the different modalities to compare and contrast each other. Then in subsequent Chapters he builds on this foundation and provides advanced information on each modality.  In some cases, such as MRI and Ultrasound, there are multiple Chapters that incrementally add information. By separating this information into multiple Chapters it allows the student and instructor to move at a slower pace if desired and allows the subject to be discussed in more detail. Wolbarst was able to make these Chapters more comprehensive through the inclusion of expert co-authors assuring that the information is relevant to Today’s imaging systems. But unlike other books that utilize different authors for each Chapter Wolbarst has written or edited the Chapters in a manner so the content in all Chapters have the same flow. Wolbarst’s conversational way of writing makes reading the textbook very easy. Each Chapter also includes Questions and Answers allowing the reader to work the questions to help determine their level of understanding before moving on to the next topic. This organization of the textbook is very insightful and makes for a strong resource that can be used by Radiology Residents, Medical Physicists and any professional that requires an understanding of imaging physics. As more and more information is required to be taught in order for people to understand imaging physics the methods we teach will require a change from the traditional textbook structure. Wolbarst brings a new and refreshing style and structure to his textbook that may be a model for how newer textbooks are written.

Reviewed by Donald Peck, PhD

Department of Radiology

Henry Ford Hospital System

Detroit, MI