The Physics of Radiotherapy X-Rays from Linear Accelerators (softcover)
Author: Peter Metcalfe, Tomas Kron and Peter HobanISBN: 9780944838761 ISBN10: 0944838766
Published: 1997 | 493 pp | Softcover
Table of Contents
Table of ContentsChapter 1--Medical Linear Accelerators
- Principles of Operation
- Klystrons and Magnetrons
- Electron Gun
- Accelerator Waveguide
- Beam Delivery
- Collimation
- Wedges
- Compensators
Chapter 2--Interaction Properties of X-Rays and Electrons
- Cross Section and Attenuation Coefficients
- Photon Interaction Processes
- Photon Beam Transport
- Electron Interactions
- Absorbed Dose
Chapter 3--Dosimetry of Therapeutic X-Rays
- The Ideal Dosimeter: Some Definitions
- Radiotherapy Dosimetry Phantoms
- Detection of X-Rays with Ion Chambers
- Ionization Chamber Types
- Electrometer
- Calibration Protocols
- Semiconductor Detectors
- Thermoluminescent Dosimeters
- Film Dosimetry
- Other Means of X-Ray Detection
- In Vivo Dosimetry
- Dosimeter Overview
Chapter 4--Linear Accelerator X-Ray Beam Properties
- Calibration Field Factors
- Build-Up Region
- Percentage Depth Dose
- Isocentric Dose Ratios
- Beam Dose Profiles
- Attenuation and Shielding
- Room Shielding
- Quality Assurance
Chapter 5--Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
- Isodose Curves
- Monitor Unit Calculations
- X-Ray Simulation
- X-Ray Computed Tomography
- Other Treatment Planning Aids
- Radiotherapy Computer Planning Hardware
- Dose Display
- Tumor Definition and Treatment Verification
- Planning Techniques
Chapter 6--Photon Beam Modelling and Inhomogeneity Corrections
- The Milan/Bentley Model
- Inhomogeneity Corrections
Chapter 7--Monte Carlo and Convolution Methods
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Convolutions/Superposition Methods
Chapter 8--Tumor and Normal Tissue Response
- Mechanism of Cell Killing
- Introduction to Radiobiological Models
- The Four Rs of Radiobiology
- Linear Quadratic Model Including Tumor Proliferation
- Models of Tumor and Normal Tissue Response
- The 4Ds of Ratiotherapy